I suppose a proper introduction is in order. My name's Farron and either you've stumbled across my blog or you came here on purpose. Either way is fine with me, really. I'm told that this is supposed to be my virtual home. As a writer, I can understand that portion, but as person, I am somewhat flummoxed, because I've never really blogged before and, therefore, don't really know what to actually blog about. Regardless, hopefully this blog will turn into something more fruitful that won't waste your time and end up with you hunting me down with fire and pitchforks and the like.
I'm a writer who leans towards speculative fiction, horror, and even a little dark fantasy thrown in there. I've been writing since I was about knee-high. I prefer to write short stories and novellas, but I am also attempting at a stab at a novel for the hell of it and see if it gets me anywhere.
The title of my blog is Pocket-Sized Multiverse because I believe that it has that sense of uncertain mystery, awe-inducing fear and futuristic wonderment that I try to incorporate in my stories. Each one of my stories so far have been standalone, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they don't have things that they share. I want for my stories to be escapes from the real, but not so much that they've become utterly alien. What I like to think that my stories share is a blend between the natural and the uncanny.
Imagine, if you will, a world beyond a world. It is accessible to you only if you know where to look for it. It's hidden in the cracks of walls, the flicker of stars, the reflections of ponds, and the silhouettes of people, just to name a few. At the best of times, you can only catch a glimpse of it, but that glimpse may as well last a lifetime. Suddenly, that world is in everything you perceive. It's superimposed on the one you're living in and it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish the two, or three, or five worlds apart anymore. There is no limit to how many worlds you're immersed in. It's existence so infinitely big that is rich with experiences, perceptions, and memories. Yet, it is also infinitesimally small that it cannot be properly quantified nor counted by anyone else but yourself. That's what I mean by a pocket-sized multiverse. Worlds upon worlds stacked upon one another, all of which are able to conveniently fit in you back pocket.
But, I digress. I hope that his has been an adequate enough of an introduction for you. Over the coming weeks, and perhaps years, I would like to further develop this blog by including my thoughts on writing, sources of inspiration for me, and whatnot.
I am curious to know which authors you read.
ReplyDeleteI saw this and thought of your writing - http://mudwerks.tumblr.com/post/11183532726